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Letters to editor

Gullible Indeed!

Gerald Bork, I agree with your assessment that American’s are indeed gullible. How else could anyone explain the gullibility of 63 million voters responsible for putting an un-vetted, inexperienced Community Organizer into the highest office in the land? Not only was Obama not properly vetted, there was a concerted effort lead by the Lame-stream media to cover up any derogatory story concerning Barry Soetoro/Barrack Obama.

Now I am not a “birther” but I do understand the questions concerning the amount of money Barry/Barrack has spent in effort to cover up anything about his past. As of this writing, Barry/Barrack has spent in excess of $1.7 million dollars fighting lawsuits regarding his birth certificate and college records. Why spend that kind of money if there is nothing to hide? Would it not be much easier, wiser and cost effective to just produce the long form of his COLB with the attending physician’s name on it and release his college transcripts? That would put an immediate end to this once and for all. Just imagine the trust fund he could provide for his daughters if he had not spent that much fighting multiple lawsuits? This does not pass the smell test. Hmmm?

As an American who happens to practice the outdated method of exercising common sense, I have to wonder, just who paid for Barry/Barrack’s college education at such prestigious schools such as Occidental College, Harvard Law School, Columbia University? Those are incredibly expensive schools, and yet the American public has been deliberately kept in the dark!

We Americans were under the impression that he was a poverty stricken boy who survived on Food Stamps when his mother dumped him with his grandparents. So who paid for his expensive college education? Where is his FAFSA, Pell Grants and scholarship information? How did Barry/Barrack travel to Pakistan during the 1980’s when the US had a NO TRAVEL order for Americans wanting to visit Pakistan during that hectic and unstable time? How did Barry/Barrack gain access to that country? Did he use an Indonesian passport? If so, he is actually a dual-citizen and therefore is not qualified to be POTUS.

These are pretty simple questions to answer, yet Barry/Barrack is not willing to release his records, which would make a reasonable thinking American to question it.

Americans are also understandably questioning his faith. Why did he say “my Muslim faith” to George Stephanopoulos? Why did George correct Barry/Barrack, “you mean your Christian faith”? Why has Barry/Barrack avoided the National Day of Prayer two years in a row, yet does everything he can to appease the Muslim community? Why has Barry/Barrack not attended any Christian church since his Mentor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright was exposed as being a bigot and a racist and an America hater?

These are real questions that America needs real answers to, not cover ups. You all on the left demanded immediate proof that John McCain was a US citizen once he was nominated, which McCain provided immediately. Why has your Barry/Barrack not done the same? It sure would save him a boatload of money don’t ya think?

By the way, where was your outrage and accusations of gullibility over John McCain’s birth certificate?

Kathy Hood

Chadwick. IL

Green Faire Fare

Green Fair Fare was pleased to host a wonderful dinner on Sept. 11 with keynote speaker, Greg Welsh. Greg is one of the founding members of Organic Valley Farms Cooperative.

Greg comes from a traditional farming background and owns an organic apple farm. Prior to establishing Organic Valley Farms, his family lost part of their cattle herd to an accidental pesticide poisoning due to contaminated hay. That was when they decided to go totally organic.

Greg shared the evolution of Organic Valley in a very personal way, as it has been his life and his passion. The dinner was held at Chestnut Mountain Resort and featured local foods. The Green Fair Fare dinner supports and promotes the Green Fair.

Green Fair 2010 will be held at the Galena Convention Center on Saturday, Sept. 25, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Keynote speaker, Lou Host-Jablonski, will speak at Green Fair 2010: Small Steps Lead to Big Changes. He represents Design Coalition in Madison, Wis., and has been committed to sustainable building for 30 years.

You are invited to hear him. For more details, please see the website or call me for a brochure at .

See you there.

Maggie Friedenbach

Green Fair Coordinator

A Successful Day

The Stephenson County Tea Party had a great meeting Sept. 9th (see “StephCo Tea Party Hosts Debates” in the 9/15 issue). The crowd of 160 was gracious and courteous, as were the candidates. The hall was full with many standing. We put together some questions to our Congressional candidates George Gualrapp and Don Manzullo. Our goal was to get yes and no answers in several categories like Illegal Immigration, the Federal Reserve, Department of Education, Government Unions, Obama Care, Taxes, and Spending.

For a Democrat, George Gualrapp is more conservative than many of his Democrat friends, but Don Manzullo agrees the most with the Tea Party principles. Ban gay marriage, Don said yes and George said no. Getting out of the department of education, Don said yes and George said no. School vouchers, Don yes, George no. Fund Obama care, Don no, George yes. Mandate term limits, Don no, George yes. Eliminate anchor babies, Don yes, George no. They both agreed on build the border fence, English official language, own and bear arms, auditing the Federal Reserve, drug testing for anyone receiving a government check, making congress partake in any program, no more, or no less, than what they pass on to the people, banning the U.N. from superseding US laws or the constitution, extending the Bush tax cuts, no to cap and trade, and enforcing fed. immigration laws.

The Stephenson County Tea Party is the first group that has gotten these two together. Patriots, we must wake up our politicians. There are too many rules, laws and regulations for small business. Small business employs most of the work force across America. Private business is the economic driver that finances government. Get off our back, and you will see more tax dollars generated.

But it will not work unless you cut spending. We can only dream of making what the government unions make. The Illinois Policy Institute says government employees of equal skill of the private sector makes 20% higher pay and 400% more in benefits .

The sheriff candidates, Tim Clay and Sheriff Dave Snyders, also answered questions. No decision yet.

Thanks to all who were involved with our Float in the Lena Fall Festival Parade. We handed out about 500 Stephenson County Tea Party talking points. Only one little old lady chewed me out and threw my paper on the ground. I call that a successful day. Thanks.

Bill Dietz

Lena, IL

Congratulations on Your New Arrival

Congratulations, you’ve just welcomed a newborn into the world. You open a gift from your sister Mary, and find a pair of lovingly hand-knit booties. This box, from your cousin Sally, contains an adorable little blanket. Your brother Bill has given the lucky child a colorful mobile for her crib.

You don’t remember Uncle Sam, but here’s an envelope from him. Surprise, it’s a bill! This poor, innocent child can’t even say “debt”, but thanks to irresponsible representatives, she owes $43,407 at birth, with time payments for an additional $355,969. (

ACU gives Don Manzullo a 96% lifetime rating – if all congressmen lived up to this standard, we wouldn’t be in this mess. For our children, and our children’s children, responsible representatives of this caliber need to be returned to Washington.

“I, however, place economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared.” -Thomas Jefferson

Terry Smith

Lanark, IL

So Many Unanswered Questions . . .

An informational meeting for Historical Preservation was held at 6:30 pm at Odell Library with the City Council Meeting following at 7:00 pm. (I was surprised to hear the city council meeting was to be held at the library since they had voted to only hold their meetings at the City Council Room.)

It was good to see a large turnout for both meetings. Robert Wood said it would be a short meeting because a lot of people attended the meeting 2 weeks before. I didn’t make that meeting, so I was looking forward to getting a lot of information. The main push was to APPROVE making the historic districts smaller by removing many properties that were included on the original map. The second part was to think about hiring an attorney for an independent review concerning land use laws. Was the process of creating the ordinance done “legally”? Even with all the input of the community, the city council decided to go against the recommendation to get rid of the present (maybe illegal) ordinance and start over to just amending the district map at this time.

WOW!! Bills payable were $176,239.72 for two weeks!! That does NOT include salaries/wages!! How do we do it? Baxter and Woodman, Inc. are getting $10,218.50 for finalizing plans, quality control, Pacific Railroad permit, easement info, etc. for Well #5 and East End Water Loop. How much does that come to now for their services? Stichter Construction Co. will be getting their 2nd installment of $43,508.60 plus an additional $2,740.00 taken out of Water/Sewer Fund and Sports Complex expense/2008 Debt. Start attending the City Budget meetings…Next one is Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 4:30 pm at the city hall.

I would like Tim Long to publicly answer the questions I posed on Monday night pertaining to the Route 30 Bridge. Each month we pay $9,987 to IDOT. I know the contract changed when we omitted the bike path. The sidewalk was in the original bridge plan. To refresh everyone’s mind, here are the questions. What was the initial bill? What have we totally paid so far? What is the balance? How long will we be paying this amount? WHY??

Answers for these questions also from August 9, 2010 meeting would be appreciated. Why the decision to only have the council meetings at City Hall where seating, main floor access, etc. are issues? When did the City Treasurer resign? I just asked why and when he could attend a meeting. Where is the decorative iron for the Route 30 Bridge being stored in town? Because of the changes, aren’t we going to have one extra rail-and what can we do with it since the cost is already incurred? What were the appraisals for 101 and 103 W. Main? When can prospective buyers go thru the building? Has Pete Whiting set up times for the tours? When will the budget get straightened out? Lots of (council) man hours put in to correct major issues-tighten your belts!!

A big problem with our present budget is the CODING. According to Tim Long there is a detailed explanation for each code number. That should eliminate errors so that entries are not made in the wrong account. Hopefully everyone that works with the budget has access and uses the coding explanation information. With good communication, everyone will be on the same page making the budget transparent for all. No more robbing Peter to pay Paul…stop spending what we don’t have.

Maybe the city council would consider going back to two regular meetings a month. The only difference for the work session meeting is NO PUBLIC COMMENTS. I would think the council would like input and feedback from the general public so as to serve the community better. Attend the meetings, bring your thoughts, contact your alderman-next city council meeting is September 27, 2010 at City Hall at 7:00 pm.


A Morrison Taxpayer

Marti Wood

An Apology Wanted

In a letter written by State Representative Jim Sacia he talks about Socialism and Native American’s. He states that in 1886 all Indian Nations surrendered their freedom for promise of food, goods, housing and medical care. Not all nations wanted to surrender to the white man’s rule, but had to or be slaughtered.

By doing this surrender as you call it, Mr. Sacia the Indians where promised many things and items and as you may know many treaties where broken or forgot about.

You mention that every generation of Native American’s sink deeper and deeper into socialism and that program after program is disguised as assistance. Again you are wrong on this, some Native American’s do not want the Government assistance and have relied on themselves to bring prosperity to themselves (aka some Native American Casino’s) as well as other business.

Now, this cannot be socialism if they are doing business without government help. Now, I will say that some reservations that Indians were forced to live on are in very poor and poverty status, and what has our great government done for the many nations. I have visited a Native American reservation and what I saw and heard from the people is not pleasant. Have you ever visited a reservation in Illinois or any in the United States?

I have Native American blood in me and I am offended by your comment here on Indians and socialism. I think that you need to apologize to all Native American nations. I am going to forward your article on to the Nations.

Mr. Sacia talks about “Self Reliance.” I hate to be the bearer of bad news for him but most Americans and the people who live in Illinois and in our district want to work and not be on welfare, but due to the present economic impact our country is in people need to be getting unemployment, welfare, etc. They do not want the help but what choice do these people have when they have to pay bills, try to keep their house from foreclosure, feed their children,etc.

Now, yes some people do abuse the system and are getting away with this, but one question I have for you is “If you know this has been a problem for the many years you have been our State Representative, then why have you not corrected this problem”?

And I do not want to hear the same story about Mr. Madigan and it is the democrats fault, etc. I would like to know the truth.

Then you mention that to grow an economy by raising taxes is wrong, by analogy from Winston Churchill . . . “Like standing in a bucket and trying to pull yourself up by the handle”. But if, I am correct awhile back you voted on raising taxes on certain items to help the budget.

Walter Johnson

Galena, IL

Sacrifice One to Save Many?

In his 9/15 letter-to-ed, Dr. Donart wondered why the U.S. Catholic bishops haven’t demanded that the Senate ratify the new but meaningless nuclear arms reduction treaty.

That’s easy to understand if you know what a bishop’s job is. He’s supposed to see that the doctrines and morals Jesus taught the apostles are passed on whole and entire to the souls in his diocese, especially seminarians, and that the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, are administered validly and licitly.

That’s a big job. Only after his seminary is filled to capacity and he’s turning candidates away, after he’s ordaining 30 to 40 priests a year and dedicating a new parish and school every two or three years, only then will he have time to get involved in politics. Judging by recent dismal surveys, few bishops here in America have the time.

Donart also said it’s a pro-life issue. Nonsense. The idea that nuclear arms, war, capital punishment, poverty and the like are all “pro-life” issues equal in gravity to abortion and contraception was the brainchild of Fr. Place, the late Cardinal Bernardin’s personal theologian, a disciple of the discredited Charles Curran.

The so-called seamless garment theory was hatched to provide anti-life “Catholic” politicians, mostly Democrats, with the wiggle room they needed to get re-elected. It was the cardinal’s personal belief, not a Church doctrine, but because he wielded power and influence disproportionate to his limited gifts, he got the bishops’ national conference, a political, bureaucratic entity with no authority except advisory, to adopt it. No Catholic is obliged to do the same.

Church law also says candidates for the episcopate should possess a doctorate or at least a licentiate in sacred scripture, theology, or canon law from an institute of higher studies approved by the Apostolic See, or at least be truly expert in the same disciplines. Bernardin had no such qualifications.

The few bishops who had the courage to remind politicians in their dioceses that support for baby-killing placed them outside the Church, did not excommunicate them or deny them “communion.” They simply explained to them (and scandalized laymen as well) that they had already excommunicated themselves and that the only sacrament they could receive without committing a sacrilege was confession. It is the duty of shepherds to warn their sheep when their souls are in danger of eternal punishment. It’s called fraternal correction.

Finally, Donart said there is no comparison between the destruction of one “human fetus” and the destruction of everyone else on earth.

Obviously, he doesn’t consider fetuses to be persons, even though they’re human, but he didn’t say what else they could be, or exactly when they do become persons. Strange, isn’t it, how they all grow up to be persons if they’re left alone, safe in their mothers’ wombs?

I’d like to remind him that one unborn human person is aborted every 20 seconds in America. Millions more if you count chemical abortions caused by the Pill. Such wholesale destruction of human life is certain. It’s not just a possibility. It’s on going, day after day. It’s mass destruction of life.

On the other hand, the destruction of mankind by nuclear weapons is only a possibility. Would Donart by willing to kill one unborn baby if by doing so he could get all nations to dispose of all their weapons of mass destruction? I wouldn’t.

Richard O’Connor

Pearl City, IL

Dumb & Dumber . . .

It goes from dumb to ridiculous to hypocritical with the Tea Party. Now we have tea partiers endorsing Republican Congressman. And I thought the Tea Party wanted to get rid of the “bums” in Washington. Oh, wait a minute, they meant the Democrats only not the Republicans since the Tea Party is nothing more than mock republicans.

Terry Smith from Lanark is now supporting the re-election of Congressman Manzullo. Terry Smith stated that the ACU gives Manzullo a 96% rating and that if all Congress people were like him we would not be in the mess that we are now. I wonder what planet Terry Smith was during the Bush administration when Congressman Manzullo voted with the Republicans and Bush 100% of the time when they more than double the debt from 5 trillion dollars to 11 trillion dollars. Manzullo voted for two unpaid wars; an unpaid trillion dollar plus tax break mostly for the rich; and an unpaid and confusing Trillion dollar Medicare part D plus everything his Texas’ Republican handlers wanted him to vote for. Oh, Yea! He is a great Congressman. Welcome to land of dumb and dumber!

Paul Gonzalez

Lake Carroll, IL

NEWS . . .

Semi-Annual Town Hall Meeting of the Northern Illinois Tea Party

Northern Illinois Tea Party will hold its second semi-annual Town Hall Meeting at Stockholm Inn, Saturday, September 25th. Town Hall speakers will address current events and issues including the economy and job creation, education, family life, and health care. Each presentation will be followed by a question and answer session.

Speakers and topics include John Gile, journalist/publisher/award-winning author

Principles Versus Personalities: Why We Will Win; Lawrence Jacobs, Vice President and Managing Director, World Congress of Families, The Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society, The Natural Family - Bulwark of Liberty; Dr. Terry Noel, Associate Professor of Management and Quantitative Methods, Illinois State University, Out of thin air: What money is, and why ours isn’t (The Federal Reserve), Retired Jr. High Social Studies teacher, Success in teaching Jr. High History from original sources; Chris Jenner, School Board Member, Shenanigans, Chicanery, And Buffoonery - the SCAB on our “Public” School System - Problems, Causes, Solutions; Nancy Iwanovitsch, Editor, Illinois Conservative, What I learned on the way to founding a magazine for Illinois conservatives; and C. Steven Tucker, Insurance Broker & Subject Matter Expert for the Wall Street Journal & Fortune Magazine, The Truth about Healthcare Reform.

Admission prices for the all-day event, including a lunch of Swedish pancakes or Swedish meatballs, is $15 per person or $25 per couple, $11 per student. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. reservations are accepted at or at .

Tea Parties began as a national, grass roots movement to foster respect for our nation’s Constitution and to encourage greater citizen participation in and control over government. Town Hall Meetings provide citizens with information on and discussion of important issues which will affect their lives. Northern Illinois is one of more than 50 member organizations affiliated with the statewide Illinois Tea Party.

Capitol Report

By Jim Sacia, State Representative, 89th District

A book that I recently read and thoroughly enjoyed is “Ramblings of a Conservative Cow Doctor” by Krayton Kerns, a veterinarian and a State Representative in the great state of Montana.

Krayton has a great way of drawing analogies. I find myself saying “I wish I’d have said that”. Montana is very different than Illinois but also very similar. Krayton and I completely agree on where socialism is taking us. I am hereafter stealing the words of a conservative cow doctor, but he says it so well.

“Throughout the evening I pondered the many woes of Mr. Venne’s Tribal Nations. All the problems he mentioned have a single cause; drug addiction. Not just any drug, but one so strong it destroys every life it touches. It’s not meth. The Indian’s battle is with a far more dangerous and addictive drug…socialism.

Two hundred years ago the American Indians were thriving, powerful, and free. Now imprisoned in poverty, they are forced to beg the government for their very existence. Socialism is a nasty drug… By 1886, all the Indian Nations had surrendered their freedom in exchange for the promise of food, goods, housing, and medical care. They became slaves of their own security.

Every generation of Native Americans sinks deeper into the quagmire of socialism. Program after program is handed down disguised as assistance. Once you remove self-reliance, the Indians become so federal aid dependent they are a political bloc that faithfully trades their vote for the next crumb of assistance. Look at every reservation and ghetto in America. Socialism is the same everywhere.” Thank you Krayton, I wish I’d have said that.

In his comments, he talked of self reliance. There was a time that it was a badge of honor for someone to be self reliant. I want to believe that it still is today. So many with their hand out and third, fourth, and fifth generation on welfare, makes you ask the question – do they want to be self reliant?

Government needs to be there to provide assistance when necessary. In my opinion it should “set the bar” as well, to create incentives to get to get back to work. More and more unemployment benefits without some obligation on the part of the unemployed makes no sense. The idea that you grow an economy by raising taxes is, to steal an old analogy by Winston Churchill, like standing in a bucket and trying to pull yourself up by the handle.

I will be at the Market House in Galena from 1:30 PM until 3:00 PM on Friday, September 24, 2010.

Community Forum

As always, you can reach me, Sally or Barb at or e-mail us at . You can also visit my website at It’s always a pleasure to hear from you.

